- Jack Bronco was born in Jacksonville FL now calls Delaware home.
- Jack Bronco is part of the infamous FSU crew (Friends Stand United).
- FSU crew is the crew that punched that singer Moby in the face.
- Jack Bronco does graffiti with the Dead End Boyz graffiti crew.
- Jack Bronco likes to get high and come shoot porn with the HH crew.
- Jack Bronco skates, snowboards and likes to fuck chicks with beer bottles.
- The beer bottles have to be clear so Jack Bronco can see the juices run down the inside.
- Jack Bronco wears a Mexican wrestler mask sometimes when he films.
- Jack Bronco wears the mask because he can.
- Jack Bronco is part of the Bad Luck 13 crew.
- Jack Bronco belongs to a lot of crews.
- Jack Bronco is the wrong nigga to fuck with.
- Jack Bronco is Jack Bronco.
- Birthday: 10/05/82
- Hometown: Delaware
- Height/weight: 6, 185 pounds
- Turn ons: whores
- Myspace: n/a
- Favorite tattoo artist: Olde City Tattoos JAG and Dave Fox
- Favorite bands: Bad Luck 13 Riot Extravaganza